Clan Diversity Diversity is life... Life is Knowledge
World Gates

This isn't a complete listing of Worldgates, but is the best compilation to date.
Trigael Marabah Location Location
Full Full Rune Xaventry
Full Gibbous Waning Rune Lowangen
Full Half Waning Rune Jungle Isle
Full New Rune Beltane
Full Crescent Waxing Rune Beltane
Full Half Waxing Rune Templeton
Full Gibbous Waxing Rune Decara
Gibbous Waning Full Xaventry Lowangen
Gibbous Waning Gibbous Waning Xaventry Jungle Isle
Gibbous Waning Half Waning Xaventry Sigil
Gibbous Waning Crescent Waning Xaventry Beltane
Gibbous Waning New Xaventry Beltane
Gibbous Waning Crescent Waxing Xaventry Templeton
Gibbous Waning Half Waxing Xaventry Rune
Gibbous Waning Gibbous Waxing Xaventry Rune
Half Waning Full Lowangen Jungle Isle
Half Waning Half Waning Lowangen Beltane
Half Waning New Lowangen Templeton
Half Waning Crescent Waxing Lowangen Rune
Half Waning Gibbous Waxing Lowangen Decara
Crescent Waning Full Jungle Isle Sigil
Crescent Waning New Jungle Isle Rune
Crescent Waning Crescent Waxing Jungle Isle Xaventry
New Half Waning Sigil Templeton
New Crescent Waning Sigil Rune
New New Sigil Xaventry
New Half Waxing Sigil Jungle Isle
New Crescent Waxing Sigil Lowangen
New Gibbous Waxing Xaventry Decara
New Gibbous Waning Sigil Beltane
Crescent Waxing Full Beltane Beltane
Crescent Waxing Gibbous Waning Beltane Templeton
Crescent Waxing Half Waning Beltane Rune
Crescent Waxing Crescent Waning Beltane Xaventry
Crescent Waxing New Beltane Lowangen
Half Waxing Gibbous Waning Maldra's Keep Rune
Half Waxing Half Waning Maldra's Keep Xaventry
Half Waxing Crescent Waning Maldra's Keep Lowangen
Half Waxing Crescent Waxing Maldra's Keep Sigil
Gibbous Waxing Full Templeton Rune
Gibbous Waxing Half Waning Templeton Lowangen
Gibbous Waxing Crescent Waning Templeton Jungle Isle
Gibbous Waxing New Templeton Sigil
Gibbous Waxing Half Waxing Templeton Beltane
Gibbous Waxing Gibbous Waxing Rune Sea Hag